This group show explores the tension between opposing spaces — between interior and exterior, between myth and reality, between ignorance and knowledge. The answers sought in these works do not lie in some sort of hybrid solution or a synthesis between two (seemingly) binary positions, but in an aesthetic that holds space for a co-emerging entanglement existing betwixt and between.

”I have been studying the reflection of light on water, and the projection of shadows and light on different surfaces for a while. During COVID and with more indoor time in the studio, I observed how light projected varying undefined shapes through the plants outside. I read in these shapes and movements, a presence, a different reality. With these paintings I am no longer looking at landscape but going inside it, linking my country of origin with the new landscape here.”

AHUVA S. ZASLAVSKY lives and works in Portland, Oregon. She was born and raised in Tel Aviv and graduated from The University of the Negev, Israel with a B.A in behavioral sciences. ahuva will receive her MFA in Visual Studies at the Pacific Northwest College of Art in summer 2022. In her work, ahuva looks into the relationship of space and place to memory and trauma. Through writing, painting, printing, sculpting and other mediums, her investigations permeate the social and domestic, the cultural and psychological. ahuva is the author of Between These Borders Wonders A Golem (First Matter Press, 2022). Her work has been shown locally and nationally. ahuva has completed the Art/Lab fellowship in 2022 and will take part in GLEAN Portland’s 2022 artist residency.


Mark’s affective abstract work explores the undisclosed nature of things. It immerses itself in the complexity, the contradictions and the chaos of our everyday lives. Rather than imposing a personal feeling onto the canvas, he strives to draw something out of the canvas, some sort of broader mood or attitude, a collective felt experience. His work strives to describe the ineffable undercurrent that defines contemporary times.

Mark lives in Portland, OR. His work is in public and private collections across the nation and abroad and has been seen in a variety of solo and group exhibitions in the Pacific Northwest. He has been featured on San Francisco Museum of Modern Art’s social media as well as in art books and publications. He earned a BFA in Painting from the University of Colorado, Boulder as well as a degree from the Colorado Institute of Art.